What are Steps - An Overview

What are Steps - An Overview

What Are Steps?

Steps are the basic building blocks of the Paths platform. An admin adds Steps to a Path either by creating them from scratch, by adding from previously created Steps, or from the Marketplace (coming soon!)

Each of the Step types is explained in detail in the linked articles below. 

The Step Type Toolbox

Learning About the Step Types

Click on a Step type below to learn about how that Step type works, how to create the step, and how to customize it for the Paths you are building. 
  1. Video Steps
  2. Audio Steps 
  3. Document Steps
  4. Forms Steps
  5. Link Steps
  6. Rich Media Steps

Trails (A Collection of Steps)

Trails are simply a collection of Steps that are grouped together. Trails can be used to gather Steps together by subject, archive older or out-dated Steps that are no longer needed, reduce visual confusion in the Path for simplicity, or just about any other way that Steps need to be organized for your purposes. 

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