Creating a New Path

Creating a New Path

Here are the simple steps to creating a new Path:
  1. Login to the Paths platform
  2. Hover over your name in the upper right hand corner 
  3. Choose "Switch to Admin Hub"
  4. Once you are in the Hub, choose "Paths" in the upper navigation menu
  5. Click on the blue "Create Path" button
  6. Choose "Create From Scratch"
  7. Add the Path name, slogan, description, impact area(s), and click "Next"
  8. Upload a branding image (optional - but recommended) and click "Next"
    1. Branding images should be 16:9 aspect ratio,
    2. we recommend 1104 x 624px
    3. Acceptable file types: .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .webp, .bmp, .tiff
  9. Select the privacy settings 
  10. Click "Create"
Now you're ready to start adding Steps to your Path. 

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